SQLSaturday Indianapolis Wrap-Up

This weekend, I attended SQLSaturday in Indianapolis for the first time. It’s one of the larger events in the Midwest and I’ve tried to schedule it for several years, but it’s always fallen on a weekend when I couldn’t attend. This year, the date finally worked out!

My presentation for this SQLSaturday was my system_health session. It’s always a fun session to teach, and this time was no exception. I had a great crowd, especially for the mid-afternoon time slot, and they had a lot of great questions. For those that asked, my slides are now online on the SQLSaturday Indianapolis website.

Thanks to Hope (b|t) and her team for a fantastic event! I really appreciate being invited to speak, and I hope I can do it again next year.


Ed Leighton-Dick helps small and midsize businesses solve their most challenging database performance, resiliency, and data security issues at Kingfisher Data, the consulting firm he founded in 2014. He has taught thousands of people at over 200 events, including the world's largest Microsoft data platform conferences, and he has been a leader in the Microsoft data community since 2008. Microsoft has recognized Ed seven times as a Data Platform MVP for his expertise and service to the data community.