This is the second in a series of articles about creating a simulated environment for testing systems that cross subnets. Part 1: Networking Part 2: Domain Controller In Part I of this series, I showed you how to setup the networking and router for our simulated network. In this article, we’ll create the domain controller.
Teach Something New: PowerShell Providers [T-SQL Tuesday #065]
Mike Donnelly (b|t) invited the SQL New Blogger Challenge participants to join in this month’s T-SQL Tuesday, and I’m happy to accept – I’ve been meaning to write for a T-SQL Tuesday for quite some time. The topic is “Teach Something New”, which also happens to work well with a challenge issued to me by […]
Thoughts about Microsoft’s retirement of the MCM
I was quite surprised, to say the least, to hear today of Microsoft’s sudden retirement of its advanced certifications. (For those who haven’t heard, Microsoft sent an email late Friday announcing its decision to retire the MCM, MCSM, and MCA certifications on October 1, just one month from today.) For many of us, this is […]